My Mission

I can help you take back your power over alcohol.

We focus on a growth mindset, nutrition, movement and building a strong community to help you reach your goals. Whatever your goals are- cutting back, moderation or complete abstinence- you can’t do it alone and you don’t have to try.

You don’t have to quit forever. 

30 days to reset your body, mind and habits.

Accountability, Encouragement and Community.

Take back your power!

My name is Tracey deWaal I am a 50+ mother of 2 , chef-wife, entrepreneur- restaurant owner, fitness and mindset lover and a moderate drinker. @magnificently_moderating

That was not always the case-since I took my first drink at 13 years old I have been drinking to excess.  There was never an off button. Once I started I kept going until I went to bed (aka passed out).

It was fun! That’s what we did. I worked at jobs that pretty much required it.  I never really got too hung over. I was always able to get up and get going and get my sh*t done. 

As long as I was able to function during the day it wasn’t a problem, right? Until it was.

The pandemic came- I wish I could blame it all on that, but let’s be real, I was drinking too much way before that.   Waking up and not remembering. One glass turning into a bottle or 2.  Waking up and promising myself I was not going to drink that day.  Until I did.  Every time.  100’s of day ones. For years. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore in the morning.

I felt like a terrible wife and mother. Like a complete loser and felt like I couldn’t tell anyone.

Then one morning I finally got caught on a black out. I was so embarrassed and ashamed- usually I was able to fake it pretty well or so I thought.

This really got me and I promised my husband I would quit for a month.

The trick here was I finally told someone.  I HAD accountability now. I could let myself down everyday, but not him.

IT WAS REALLY HARD!!! I cried A LOT!!  I felt so alone and OMG- ALL of these FEELINGS that you have to FEEL!!!!

I read or listened to every quit lit book I could find, podcasts, followed sober instagramers, went to online sober meetings. Whatever I could do to make it to 30 days.

I did it- but it was not easy- I felt I must go on. I made a commitment to stay sober for a year.  I needed to find me without the bottle. I did that too. But I didn’t do it alone and you don’t have to either.

I feel so much better. Confident, healthy, inspired, So much less stress and anxiety.

If I can do this- I can do ANYTHING!!! What a feeling!!

Now- I want to help others feel like this. I am a now acertifiied health coach using proven techniques for your mindset, nutrition, accountability and movement to help you achieve your goals.

The sober community is thriving and crucial to so many- but the moderation community needs more support. Without accountability and encouragement it is almost impossible to stay on track. That is where I come in.

About Me

In my 30 day Challenge we will

  1. Not Drink

  2. Move our bodies every day

  3. Be concious of how we eat

  4. Exercise our thoughts

  5. Check in daily

  6. Build a community

  7. Daily Support & Accountability